During pregnancy and parenting, stress and tiredness plays havoc with your immune system. Getting plenty of rest, healthy balanced diet, fresh air and gentle exercise are important. There are also some super foods to boost your immunity.
5 FOODS that can really help
- LEMON – Is rich in vitamin C, calcium and potassium. It is also rich in infection fighting compounds, which help your body prevent illness before it takes hold. Lemon increases the Alkalinity which supports healthy bacteria. This in turn balances your bodies pH levels and boosts the ability to fight viruses. 1-2 drops of DoTERRA essential lemon oil in a glass of warm water is a great way to get your intake without ruining the enamel on your teeth (which pure lemon juice can do). If using a squeeze of lemon juice, follow your drink with a fresh glass of water.
- PUMPKIN – Is rich in beta-carotene. The body converts this into Vitamin A. We know Vitamin A is important for cancer prevention and assists your respiratory system during cold and flu season.Get creative and don’t just settle for roast pumpkin or pumpkin soup, purée some pumpkin and put it in scones, dips, cakes, biscuits etc.
- HONEY – Is the super anti-agent as it is an antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic and antioxidant. Honey can be used to line the throat and reduce irritation during coughing. It can be consumed in a warm drink: RECIPE; combine ¾ cup warm water, splash of apple juice, squeeze of lemon juice, teaspoon of honey and drink. This can be used during early or late symptoms of coughs and colds. OR simply add some local honey to your yogurt or cereal in the morning as a great ANTI agent.
- GARLIC – It isn’t quite the anti-agent of honey, although it is still an anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-viral. Studies show people who regularly consume garlic or supplements are less likely to catch a cold or have reduced symptoms. It also makes healthy bacteria for your bowel which assists your immunity. Garlic provides great flavour to your meal or you can consume small pieces in stir fry’s or even raw.Consuming parsley after garlic can help you avoid the bad breath that is common with garlic consumption. OR you can take garlic supplements.
- GINGER – Aids digestion and is an antibacterial agent. It can kill nasty germs, relieve nausea, and is wonderful in reducing morning sickness.Again it goes well in stir frys, can be puréed and put into homemade biscuits or cakes, alternatively you can boil pieces of ginger and make a tea drink.
So instead of ignoring those run-down tired signs, boost your immunity with these five super foods whilst also aiming to get more sleep.
Information collected from Jennifer Morton’s article in the GOOD HEALTH issue (August 2014).
Photo by Anda Ambrosini on Unsplash